
Author:  Views:994   Publish date:2013-08-04 10:02:01  

    该恒温器专为穆斯堡尔光谱研究而设计,针对样品和制冷机的振动源隔离开来,以确保样品测试过程中不受制冷机振动的影响 。

Standard Configuration

Designed specifically for Mössbauer spectroscopy, the model CCS-8xx series include design features optimized specifically for this application. The most critical requirement for successful measurements is isolation of the sample from the refrigerator vibrations. In order to achieve this isolation, a flexible bellows assembly is installed between the sample support flange and the refrigerator body. The support flange is mounted to an independent table or frame (either customer or Janis supplied), and the flexible bellows dampen vibrations before they reach the sample support. Typical line broadening of .01 mm/s is achieved through this technique. The sample support rod is suspended within a copper cylinder (with mylar windows for maximum gamma transmission.) The sample is cooled indirectly, using static helium exchange gas inside the sample chamber. This arrangement permits samples to be quickly exchanged (via top loading access) without warming the entire cryostat. It is also ideal for uniform cooling of poor thermally conducting samples, such as foils and powders.


  • Vibration isolation mounting stand
  • Vibration isolation bellows
  • Isothermal static helium gas sample chamber
  • Optical vacuum jacket and radiation shield (with two mylar windows)
  • Gold plated OFHC copper sample holder
  • 10-pin electrical feedthrough for customer wiring into the sample area
  • Two spare electrical access ports
  • Evacuation valve and safety pressure relief
  • Model 8200 compressor and 10' gas lines

Available options:

  • Additional electrical feedthroughs (BNC, SMA, multipin, and others)
  • Additional optical window ports
  • Larger or smaller diameter sample chamber
  • Custom configurations


